Thursday, May 22, 2014

Prodromal Labor Sucks!

Trying to stay positive... 
Three weeks ago, I was lying in a hospital bed being told I was going to deliver Leeroy at 34 weeks. I was so confused. 
Now I am sitting at home... still very pregnant. "What happened?" You ask? Let me tell you. 

I did go into preterm labor. I dilated to 3cm and then to 5! My contractions were steady but not super strong. After I dilated to 5cm, they kept checking me and I wasn't progressing anymore. Contractions still kept steadily coming but alas... No baby. 

The hospital decided to send me home. 

They all thought for sure, that I would be back the next day. NOPE! My contractions kept coming but I wasn't progressing. I got in to see my Midwife and I still hadn't changed. 

So... after contracting for three weeks straight... I still haven't changed and I am in what's called, "Prodromal Labor." Basically my body is in limbo. As long as baby is moving around and my water hasn't broken (which it's a miracle it hasn't, seems being it's bulging) then I stay pregnant. 

Induction is out of the question. I practically begged my midwife last appt to induce me but apparently it's not the norm anymore. She said she wouldn't induce me until I am 41 weeks!!!! OH MY GOOD LORD! 

I really wanted a natural childbirth. No medical intervention whatsoever. I'm so over that right now! Who would have thought I would be in labor for three damn weeks! If I could break my own water, I so would!